My most important Mentor

(Originalmente publicado no Linked In, em 5 de Agosto de 2015) #ThankYourMentor Though this note will be focused upon my father, I feel the urge to thank @Kare Anderson — a somehow recent friend whose daily activity is to share examples of goodwill and of those people who care for others proactively –, who called my attentionContinue a ler “My most important Mentor”

Uma balança só com um prato…?

Contava a Carla Afonso, hoje ao fim do dia, na apresentação de um Curso de PNL a que vai dar início — e a propósito do valor desta ferramenta para o desenvolvimento individual –, este pequeno diálogo que, para além da sua importância para quem dele participou, pode bem ser um excelente motivo para a reflexão de quemContinue a ler “Uma balança só com um prato…?”

Nurturing close connections

by Luís Cochofel (; Day 4 Do you remember how it felt when you were being nurtured by someone (your wife/husband, your mom/dad, your grandma/grandpa, your friends, your boss…, your collaborators)? It makes us feel warm (if not hot!) and so proud, doesn’t it?!? and we will, for sure, use that steam, that energy, toContinue a ler “Nurturing close connections”

Let’s start with a cup of TEA!

by Luís Cochofel (; Day 3 A cup of tea is great to warm us up, and if the scent is properly selected, it may have quite an effect on us; depending on the pleasure we felt by flavouring it and its inner energetic characteristics it will also have an influence on how people willContinue a ler “Let’s start with a cup of TEA!”

What does it take to prepare a meal?

by Luís Cochofel (; Day 2 So, what does it take to prepare a meal? Answer: A dream; the will to make it come true; caring about each detail… Everything starts after a dream, and when one dreams what do we see in it? The most perfect product (do register that love, for instance, isContinue a ler “What does it take to prepare a meal?”

As work gets more complex, 6 rules to simplify

Why do people feel so miserable and disengaged at work? Because today’s businesses are increasingly and dizzyingly complex — and traditional pillars of management are obsolete, says Yves Morieux. So, he says, it falls to individual employees to navigate the rabbit’s warren of interdependencies. In this energetic talk, Morieux offers six rules for “smart simplicity.”Continue a ler “As work gets more complex, 6 rules to simplify”

BOTY 2014 #3: 5 Things I Do Every Day to Be Successful – GoSmallBiz

This article was voted one of the best of 2014 by our readers. You’re in good company. I often say that my success is a result of good habits I’ve developed over the years, both in football and in business. Bad habits have led me down the wrong roads, and sometimes to bad decisions. AsContinue a ler “BOTY 2014 #3: 5 Things I Do Every Day to Be Successful – GoSmallBiz”

How to believe in yourself: Jim Cathcart at TEDxDelrayBeach – YouTube

See on – Mentoring & Coaching Jim Cathcart thought he would never make a difference. An average student from a working class family with no athletic or special skills, he expected an unre… Luís Cochofel‘s insight: Jim is really taling to YOU!  (All you have to do is… TO LISTEN… till the end, andContinue a ler “How to believe in yourself: Jim Cathcart at TEDxDelrayBeach – YouTube”